Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Blackberry Tea

Since my blog is titled "The Tea Drunk Photographer" I think it's only appropriate that I do a couple of posts every now and then on some of my favourite tea's. I believe I've only done one so far and that simply won't do! So without further ado, here's the first of what I hope will be many tea posts.

Art of Tea is a great local (Tasmanian) brand with a diverse range of types and flavours. The one that I've been drinking lately is a little beauty; Blackberry Tea. This is essentially a premium black tea with freeze dried blackberries and blackberry leaves. I like a slightly fruity tea and this is great to have in winter because it lacks that sharpness that other berries seem to have in teas which is really more of a summer thing. Great with milk and a little sugar.

Happy infusing and God bless! More tea posts to come soon!

- tom

Monday, September 24, 2012


SO! It's been about fifty billion years since I've made a blog post but thought it would be a good idea to keep this thing updated considering it's the first thing that pops up in Google under my name.

Photography-wise, things are pretty exciting! I now have my own camera and a 50mm f1.4 so I have been up to a lot of fun things. I also have four weddings booked in for the end of this year and the beginning of 2013 (pumped!).

Here's a few things that I've done lately...

Also, I would like to make mention to my most favourite blog Bon Appetempt; seriously folks, it's seriously funny not to mention the fact that the food is crazy delicious! So what are you waiting for? Get over there!

God bless!

- tom